The USDA Animal Welfare Act and the NIH Public Health Service Policy on the Humane Care and Use of Animals require that institutions conducting research with animals establish an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). The IACUC provides oversight and helps ensure compliance with all laws, regulations, and policies governing the care and use of research and teaching animals.
To UofI Principal Investigators,
I wanted to make you aware that the University of Illinois Policy on the Use of Expired Drugs and Materials and Use of Non-Pharmaceutical Grade Compounds in Animals has been amended to allow the use of non-pharmaceutical grade sodium pentobarbital for terminal perfusions. As you may know, the cost of pharmaceutical-grade pentobarbital has increased substantially, making its use for this purpose untenable for most studies.
The amended policy now states the following in regards to the use of sodium pentobarbital for terminal perfusions:
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A complete copy of the amended policy, which was approved by the IACUC at its August meeting, is now available on the IACUC website. Please contact IACUC if this new policy applies to your research and you would like assistance in, or have questions about, revising your current protocol. I would like to thank Dr. Ed Roy who chaired the ad hoc IACUC subcommittee for his leadership in preparing the amended document.
Joshua Gulley
Chair, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Review the research facility's program at least once every six months to ensure humane animal care and use;
- Inspect all of the research facility's animal facilities, including animal study areas, at least once every six months;
- Prepare reports of these inspections and submit them to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR) or the chancellor;
- Review concerns or complaints involving animal care and use at the university;
- Make recommendations to the VCR related to any aspect of the animal program;
- Review and assess proposed activities or changes related to the care and use of animals;
- Conduct ongoing reviews of activities at least once a year;
- Suspend activities involving animals that are not in accordance with guidelines and requirements approved by the IACUC;
- For suspended activities, work with the OVCR to review the reasons for suspension, take appropriate corrective action, and report that action with a full explanation to the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and any federal agency that funds the activity.
IACUC Membership and Members
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- Four DVMs with training or experience in laboratory animal science and medicine;
- Two non-affiliated members;
- Eight practicing scientists experienced in research involving animals; and
- Three members whose primary interests are in a nonscientific area.
View Members
Contact Information
Please direct general inquires to IACUC@illinois.edu or call 333-7789.
Observatory Building
Room 114, MC-193
901 S. Matthews
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-7789 (phone)
(217) 244-7963 (fax)
Dr. Joshua Gulley
Psychology Building
603 E. Daniel Street, M/C 716
(217) 265-6413
Dr. Judy Van Cleeff, PhD CPIA
IACUC Specialist
Room 109 Observatory
(217) 265-6482
Katherine Branson, CPIA
IACUC Specialist
Room 118 Observatory
(217) 265-6475
Dr. Rebecca Chafel DVM
IACUC Specialist
Room 112 Observatory
(217) 300-6483
Ben Hayek
IACUC Office Manager
Room 114 Observatory
(217) 333-7789 or (217) 300-1960
What activities require an animal use protocol?
View the Review of Animal Use policy.
What training do I need to use animals?
See the Animal Care and Use section the 怎样才能浏览国外网址 tab.
How do I make a proposal for activities involving animals?
Visit the Animal Use Protocol section for guidance.
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Reviewing and approving a new protocol is a complicated process that typically takes two to six weeks.
USDA Registration: #33-R-0029
PHS Assurance: D16-00075 (A3118-01)
AAALAC: #00766
Accredited Campus-wide since 6/8/2001